The brand selection is limited as well as the varieties within the brands they do carry. Don't go there looking to purchase disposable training panties.
They frequently have good prices on their meat, which is about the only reason we shop there at all. However, you absolutely MUST check the dates on EVERYTHING! Every package of one brand of diced ham was outdated today. Every package of the smaller brand hams were outdated as well. We've frequently found dairy items outdated. The last time we were there, we failed to check the date on the Crisco packages and ended up purchasing one that was outdated.
And ALWAYS watch the register because things quite often ring up different than what the tag on the shelf stated.
Some of the employees can be very unfriendly and even rude too.
The brand selection is limited as well as the varieties within the brands they do carry. Don't go there looking to purchase disposable training panties. They frequently have good prices on their meat, which is about the only reason we shop there at all. However, you absolutely MUST check the dates on EVERYTHING! Every package of one brand of diced ham was outdated today. Every package of the smaller brand hams were outdated as well. We've frequently found dairy items outdated. The last time we were there, we failed to check the date on the Crisco packages and ended up purchasing one that was outdated. And ALWAYS watch the register because things quite often ring up different than what the tag on the shelf stated. Some of the employees can be very unfriendly and even rude too.