Great place to bring the family or friends. No entry fee, you can bring your own bags or container to put the (apples/peppers/tomatoes/eggplants/raspberries/pumpkins). They also have bags or boxes you can buy for cheap if you forgot your bags.
I saw a couple of people with their dogs, so I think you can bring your pets (I would call and ask first though, before you go)
They have hot food and music.
I love the clydesdale horse carriage ride.
Great place to bring the family or friends. No entry fee, you can bring your own bags or container to put the (apples/peppers/tomatoes/eggplants/raspberries/pumpkins). They also have bags or boxes you can buy for cheap if you forgot your bags. I saw a couple of people with their dogs, so I think you can bring your pets (I would call and ask first though, before you go) They have hot food and music. I love the clydesdale horse carriage ride.